Exercises and materials

Welcome to your resource for all the training materials, tools and guidance that you will need to get started with co-creation.

Click below to discover:

The Co-Creating Welfare Training Course
The Card Deck of Co-Creation Tools
Videos guides to the training course activities

Click here to download the different materials in PDF format for use in the classroom.

And click here to find all the training materials translated and adapted for use in Denmark, France, Portugal and the UK.

The co-creating welfare training course

The Co-Creating Welfare Training Course aims to enable professional practitioners within the health and social welfare sector to create, implement and evaluate co-creating processes with the citizens benefitting from the welfare services of their organization.

The Training Course is built around 4 training themes/days with “bridging home activities” to help participants apply their new competences in practical working life, together with their colleagues.

The 4 training themes are the following:

  • Creating a common understanding of co-creation.
  • Initiating the co-creation process through collaborative problem formulation.
  • Managing the co-creation process.
  • Dissemination and communication of the co-creation process and its results.

    Below, you can find guides to the main tools used in the Co-Creating Welfare training – and download the full Training Course.

The deck of co-creation TOOL cards

video guides to co-creation activities

Q Sort Activity
Collaborative work and collective problem formulation.

Role Play Activity
Collect ideas and knowledge to solve a concrete challenge.

Story Cubes Activity
Create common narratives related to a challenge or solution.

Fish Bowl Activity
Collaborative problem solving.

Sticky Notes Activity
Draw on the existing knowledge within a group.

Pecha Kucha Activity
A dynamic presentation method.

The Cube Activity
A method to support a creative brainstorming.

Country packs

© 2019 Co-Creating Welfare